The body is designed in such a way that when our body is attacked in any way we tend to lose our appetite and feel nausea. The purpose of the nausea is to force us to fast from eating, allowing the body to begin the healing process. The healing process normally takes four hours or […]
Author: Enoch DeBus
The Health Benefits of Herbs & Spices
Many herbs and spices provide amazing health benefits. Anise – Calming affect on stomach, throat, nose Ashwagandha – Memory, dementia Astragalus – Immune system, colds Basil – Aging, skin ailments, cancer Burdock – Fights bacteria, inflammation, detox Cacao – Memory Calendula – Inflammation, upset stomach, Applied to skin burns, cuts, bruises Chia seeds – Weight […]
Good Foods and Bad Foods
Pasturization and Homogenization Pasteurized or homogenized food products are a big no!! Artificial Sweeteners List of artificial sweeteners that are a no-no: aspartame, erythritol, NutraSweet, splenda, fructose corn syrup, saccharin, sucralose. Bad Oils Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are toxin to the body. (Trans-fats) Artificial preservatives, flavors, additives these need never be used in a […]
What We Use to Prepare Food Matters!
Microwaving Zaps Nutrition Heating your food in the microwave can strip away its original nutrients. What may have started as a nutritious food has now evolved into “dead food” due to the dielectric heating of microwaves. They bounce around the inside of your [microwave] oven and are absorbed by the food you put in it. […]
The Two Best Natural Liquids to Drink
Water and coconut water are two pure natural drinks we have and the best to drink if not contaminated. Water being the necessity and coconut water perhaps the healthiest of anything available, it’s so pure it can be injected into are blood stream. Coconut water is not the same as coconut milk. Coconut water is […]
Leukocytosis and Cooked Food
In 1930, research was conducted at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff. The effect of food (cooked/processed vs. raw/natural) on the immune system was tested and documented. Dr. Kouchakoff’s discovery concerned the leukocytes, the white blood cells. It was found that after a person eats cooked […]
Fresh Food vs. Cooked Food
If we eat sufficient raw fresh fruits and vegetables everyday we will not need as much water – drinking more water than we need to drains the body of many vitamins and minerals. Fresh food births life. With some foods no cooking at all is BEST. Fresh food is alkaline. Eating fresh foods makes our […]
Healthy Food Combinations
Mixing the right food groups to eat helps you get the most from your meals while using the less energy at the same time. Food combining is eating foods in the same food groups, such as eating your Proteins apart from Carbohydrates. Proteins and Carbohydrates When eating Carbohydrates you can eat any vegetable, starchy or […]
Getting Started on the Road to Young and Healthy Living
I’d like to back up a bit to my earlier years at age of 14 when I got my first toothbrush, at 15 I was able to go to the dentist for first time and had many mercury fillings placed in my mouth. The fillings triggered a terrible reaction to my skin, I was to […]
Health Wealth and Happiness with Gary Pozsik
Gary Pozsik Radio: How to Live Young & Healthy at Any Age Guest: Enoch Debus Welcome to Health, Wealth, and Happiness, a fast-paced informative hour-long program dealing with physical, emotional, and mental health issues, consumer information, and money management, as well as the arts, theater, travel, entertainment, social and civic events, brought to […]