Microwaving Zaps Nutrition
Heating your food in the microwave can strip away its original nutrients. What may have started as a nutritious food has now evolved into “dead food” due to the dielectric heating of microwaves.
They bounce around the inside of your [microwave] oven and are absorbed by the food you put in it. The water molecules rotate rapidly in the microwave and in the food in high frequencies, which creates molecular friction and heats up your food. This causes the molecular structure in your food to change, and as a result diminishes the nutrient content in the food.
Microwaves Can Change the Makeup of Your Blood
In a Swiss clinical study, researchers found that blood changes in individuals who consumed microwaved milk and vegetables. The eight participants in the study ate a series of food prepared in different ways, including food heated in the microwave. The results of the study showed red blood cells decreased while white cell levels increased, along with cholesterol levels. The non-ionizing radiation of the microwave can affect changes in your blood and your heart rate.
Microwaves Create Carcinogens In Food
When you head foods that are wrapped in plastic in the microwave, you can create carcinogens in the food. Based on Russian research and German studies, the Russian government issued a warning about the health hazards microwave ovens can have on the human body and the environment.
The assembling of microwavable foods is found to contain toxic chemicals such as BPA, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), benzene, toluene, and xylene says Foodbabe.com. The plastic containers used to heat these microwave meals have been found to release the carcinogens along with other harmful toxins into your food, which is then absorbed by your body.
Eating with metal utensils puts more toxins in your system. The exception would be a good grade of real silver utensils. There’s nothing wrong with using your fingers if they are clean, most of the world eats with their fingers.
Food Storage
Storage of foods such as any grains, seeds, either dry or wet, left overs, even your frozen foods I use all glass, the lids if not touching the food plastics or mason jar tops are alright, as long as its not touching the food.
Reason most all plastics are made from petroleum and when food touches the plastic a leeching of toxins begin to enter the food.