In 1930, research was conducted at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff. The effect of food (cooked/processed vs. raw/natural) on the immune system was tested and documented.
Dr. Kouchakoff’s discovery concerned the leukocytes, the white blood cells.
It was found that after a person eats cooked food, his/her blood responds immediately by increasing the number of white blood cells. This is a well-known phenomenon called “digestive leukocytosis”, which means that there is a rise in the number of leukocytes, or white blood cells, after eating.
Since digestive leukocytosis was always observed after eating It was considered to be a normal physiological response to eating. No one knew why the number of white cells would rise after eating, since this appeared to be a stress response, as if the body was reacting to something harmful, such as infection, trauma, or exposure to toxic chemicals.
Back in 1930, Swiss researchers of the institute of Chemical Chemistry studied the influence of food on human blood and made a remarkable discovery. They found that eating unaltered, raw food or food heated at low temperatures did not cause a reaction in the blood. In addition, if a food had been heated beyond a certain temperature (unique to each food), or if the food was processed (refined, added chemicals, etc.), this always caused a rise in the number of white cells in the blood.
The researchers renamed this reaction “pathological leukocytosis”, since the body was reacting to highly altered food. They tested many different kinds of foods and found that if the foods were not overheated or refined, they caused no reaction. The body saw them as “friendly foods”. However, these same foods, if heated at too high a temperature, caused a negative reaction in the blood, a reaction that is found only when the body is invaded by a dangerous pathogen or trauma.
The worst offenders of all, whether heated or not, were processed foods that had been refined (such as white flour or white rice), or homogenized (a process in which the fat in milk is subjected to artificial suspension), or pasteurized (also seen in milk, flash-heated to high temperatures to kill bacteria), or preserved (chemicals added to food to retard spoilage or to enhance taste or texture.
In other words, foods that were changed from their original God-given state. Good examples of these harmful foods are: pasteurized milk, chocolate, margarine, sugar, candy, white flour, and regular salt. The researchers found that if these altered, chemical foods were chewed very thoroughly, the harm to the blood could be lessened.
In addition, another amazing finding was that if some of the same food in its raw state was eaten with the cooked counterpart, the pathological reaction in the blood was minimized. However, avoid these unnatural, processed foods; replace them with delicious whole foods for optimal health.
With that being said about the health disadvantage with eating cooked food, there are foods that need cooking If you do cook, using the right cookware will be a big plus.
Processed Foods
Anything that is processed is acidic, the more processed food we eat the more acidic our body becomes. When our bodies become acidic it opens the door to diseases. All processed food is a big NO!
Most cookware is made up from metal and very harmful materials: Aluminum, Cobalt, Nickel, Chrome, Iron, Teflon, and many more.
I prefer good glassware like corning ware, some Pyrex. Mercola Healthy Chef Ceramic Cookware is non-reactive – no chemicals, toxins, or gases are released into the air.
Always use filtered water for drinking or cooking.
Thanks for posting this study regarding leukocytosis. Recently heard about this interesting phenomenon while watching Foodmatters (2008) Links to the actual study would be appreciated.